Supper Mario Broth
A Super Mario variety blog. Screenshots, photos, sprites, gifs, scans and more from all around the world of Super Mario Bros.
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In most Wii games, if save data is found to be corrupted, a special screen will appear notifying the player before the game starts, with the options being to delete the save or to proceed without saving.

However, Super Paper Mario monitors the corruption status of all four save files independently and displays it on the file selection screen instead. As such, the scenario shown in the screenshot is possible whereby the player might start the game to be greeted with the word “Corrupted” being displayed over every single save file.

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the Koopa Troopa at the end of Level 2-3 has special physics properties set specifically so the classic “infinite Koopa staircase 1-Up trick” from Super Mario Bros. would work on it.

As a side effect, this can also be in four-player mode to essentially run multiple instances of the infinite 1-Up trick parallel to each other, as shown in the footage.

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Illustration from an officially licensed 1986 Super Mario Bros. board game from Japan.

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mario at a Nintendo-sponsored racing event in Sweden in 1994.

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The footage above depicts a perfect session of Break the Targets with Peach in Super Smash Bros. Melee, wherein she is able to hit all the targets within exactly 7.00 seconds.

To accomplish this, Peach needs to pull several Bob-ombs with her down special move in a row. Each Bob-omb pull has only a 0.260% chance of occurring, and to be able to chain this many of them together is literally the rarest event a game running a 32-bit random number generator is able to implement, requiring a single specific seed (number 2,633,350,167) out of the 4,294,967,296 possible random number seeds.

As such, if a human player were to attempt to perform this without modifying the game to force that specific configuration, it would take an average of more than 4 billion attempts to be able to get Peach to pull the required items.

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Officially licensed 1999 Mario Golf board game from Japan.

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Friday, September 27, 2024

In Super Mario Bros., if Fire Mario shoots a fireball, and then both Down and A are pressed simultaneously on the next frame afterward, he will briefly assume a glitched sprite.

The bottom of the sprite is his feet and hands from his crouching sprite while the top is his regular fireball-throwing sprite with his hands raised, which results in him appearing to have four hands.

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In New Super Mario Bros., Bowser is never fought underwater. However, if he is placed underwater and then defeated, it is revealed that his defeat animation for this scenario is different from the usual one. While usually, he falls down, here he is shown swimming upward out of sight, whereupon Mario looks up after him and finally celebrates and finishes the level a few seconds later.

It is unknown whether this is merely some side effect or interplay of unintended factors resulting in this animation, or whether this is a possible remnant of unused functionality.

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Unauthorized Mario toy from Mexico featuring two original illustrations that appear to be partially traced from a variety of mismatched source material.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

The original GameCube version of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has unused graphics for audience members depicting them in normally unseen states.

Top: looking towards the audience while sleeping (impossible in the finished game as sleeping characters, logically, do not move and as such cannot turn around) and jumping while dizzy.

Bottom: specific unused frames of Luigi with the Poltergust 3000 from Luigi’s Mansion, as well as depicting him looking towards the screen with a unique expression not shared by any other audience member.

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