Supper Mario Broth
A Super Mario variety blog. Screenshots, photos, sprites, gifs, scans and more from all around the world of Super Mario Bros.
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Extremely rare officially licensed 1995 climbing Donkey Kong plush from Japan.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Top: in the prototype version of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, the background of the small area outside of Mario and Luigi’s house actually depicts two copies of Peach’s Castle (one in the center of the image and one visible near the right edge).

Bottom: in the finished version, instead of changing the background to no longer depict two castles, this was solved in the simplest manner possible by moving the background sideways until one of the castles was hidden behind a tree.

Note the right castle moved left so that it is between the two trees on the right. The left castle, consequently, was moved left so that it is behind the tree in the middle. In fact, looking very closely, a few pixels of the castle’s tower can be seen above the mailbox.

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In Super Mario 64 DS, there is an extremely small gap in the collision by a wall near the beginning of the Princess’s Secret Slide that allows the majority of the slide to be skipped in the manner shown in the footage with immensely precise positioning.

Note that another type of similar glitch exists in this game, called Quantum Tunneling (an example can be seen in a previous post here). Unlike that glitch, which exploits truly microscopic gaps between polygons, the gap in this footage is much larger (though still exceedingly tiny). Technically, a human player has a small chance of being able to slide through the wall here, compared to spontaneous quantum tunneling, the chances of which are infinitesimal.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Rare factory error leaving an officially licensed Chain Chomp toy without pupils.

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In the credits of Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario has no hat on. Internally, this is accomplished via the use of a zone called a “MarioNoCapArea”, which automatically removes Mario’s hat when entered, and restores it when exited. By placing the entirety of the credits map within an extremely large MarioNoCapArea, this gives off the impression of Mario having no hat for the entirety of the credits.

The footage shows a small MarioNoCapArea being placed in the intro, showcasing how it reacts when entered and exited. It is not known if this was ever meant to be used in any other capacity except for the credits.

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Rare officially licensed 1999 Bowser action figure.

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

This mural seen in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials in Super Paper Mario presents a very interesting piece of lore continuity between two separate timelines in the game that is never explicitly stated. While the mural at first glance simply depicts King Croacus IV, the boss of Chapter 5, with his Pure Heart, it is apparent upon closer inspection that while he is red, the flower in the mural is black. This is because it actually King Croacus I, the predecessor of the boss fought in-game.

It is established in two separate places that:
-The Ancients created the Pure Hearts 1,500 years prior to the events of the game.
-The Floro Sapiens have their own calendar according to which the game takes place in the year 1626. King Croacus I ruled from Year 1 to Year 496.

Cross-referencing these two gives the result that 1,500 years before the game was the year 126, within the reign of King Croacus I, so he would have been the one in possession of the Pure Heart at the time assuming the murals were made at the point where the Pure Hearts were given out to their guardians.

All of this can only be gleaned by the players cross-referencing the dates on their own instead of ever being explained in-game.

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In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a glitch occurs with the Chain Chomp’s animation if Mario defeats it by touching it while invincible, but then finishes pounding its stake into the ground very quickly afterward.

The Chain Chomp’s “die from a star” animation will be interrupted by the “set free” animation, causing the Chain Chomp to briefly jump while facing backwards, as seen in the footage.

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Top: officially licensed Super Mario handheld fan decorated with a Luigi figurine.

Bottom: removing the hat from the figurine, while not intended, reveals that the parts of the figurine modeled underneath give Luigi the appearance of balding.

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Early concept art for Yoshi’s Woolly World. Note Yoshi being extremely simple to the point of lacking arms; it is unknown if this is merely a simplification of the design for the purpose of concentrating on the background of the artwork, or if such a simple design was at some point actually considered.

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