Supper Mario Broth
A Super Mario variety blog. Screenshots, photos, sprites, gifs, scans and more from all around the world of Super Mario Bros.
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Yoshi-themed sample of the 2001 Mario Awards, commemorative glass statues given out by Nintendo of America to merchandisers who were able to sell the most Nintendo merchandise in 2001.

This particular sample is particularly rare as it comes from a point during the manufacturing process before its outside was engraved with the name of the award and honoree, allowing an unobscured look at the 3D Yoshi inside.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

In Paper Mario: Color Splash, the Fire Extinguisher is a Thing that must be used in the boss battle against Morton to progress. The side of it contains a warning/instruction label common for such extinguishers, and it is too far away during gameplay to be able to read the text.

Extracting the texture for the label from the game’s files, however, reveals that the label is written in what is clearly Lorem Ipsum-style gibberish.

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In Super Mario Odyssey, there is a glitch that can be performed in the rematch against Mollusque-Lanceur in the Mushroom Kingdom. If Mario uncaptures a Gushen right above Mollusque-Lanceur’s head and then recaptures it immediately after it bounces off the head once, Mario/the Gushen will be stuck in a state of eternal ascension.

The player will be unable to do anything except moving the camera while Mario perpetually rises by performing short bounces in mid-air. Eventually, the area will disappear and only Mario will remain. In addition, due to the coordinates of Mario’s position steadily increasing, if the game is left on for several years in this state, it will crash.

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Rare officially licensed Mario Party plush of Bowser from Japan. The eyebrows on this plush are notoriously flimsily attached and have a tendency to fall off over time, as seen on the plush in the image.

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Friday, September 13, 2024

In the Mini-Game Island mode of Mario Party, the final challenge is playing a special version of the Slot Car Derby minigame against Toad, who normally never directly takes part in any minigames.

If Toad wins against the player, the screen simply fades out. However, if the code is modified to prevent the fade-out and treat this as a regular minigame, the winning text for Toad can be seen, which is “ALL WINS!”

This suggests that the developers planned at one point to include a message for all players winning, but the string was unused and its internal ID happened to match up with Toad’s player ID, which is also normally unreachable except for within the challenge.

An alternative humorous explanation would be that this particular Toad’s name is “All”.

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New Super Mario Bros. contains unused functionality for Super Mario Bros. 3-styled enemy challenge rooms (which would also later be implemented in New Super Mario Bros. Wii).

The level settings contain an unused parameter that would automatically mark the level as completed as long as all the following enemies are destroyed: Hammer Bros, Fire Bros, Boomerang Bros., Sledge Bros, and most curiously, Snailicorns.

The Bros subtypes have all been used in Super Mario Bros. 3 in enemy challenges, but Snailicorns are a new addition to the set of enemies. In the finished game, they are underused, appearing only in two levels, so this was evidently another place the developers planned for them to be featured.

Note that the footage uses custom levels to showcase the functionality; the code for all of this is in the game, but no level layouts for enemy challenges remain so custom layouts were used.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Development files for Super Mario World contain sprites of Mario with wings, which appear to be an early version of what eventually became his Cape Mario form.

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Artwork of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong fighting Riptor from Killer Instinct, drawn by Kevin Bayliss, character designer for Donkey Kong Country.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Original illustrations of Mario for the NES/Famicom version of Donkey Kong, created for an official Japanese guide for various early Famicom games.

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Two extremely rare officially licensed 1988 Para-Beetle figurines from Japan.

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